
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Get the Best iPhone Themes for Your iPhone

Best iPhone Themes? One of the reason that why you want to jailbreak your iPhone is because you can install custom iPhone themes into your device and the you can show off to your friend. How good is that? Original iPhone interface is so boring, it comes with plain black background and default icons. I don't know why Steve Jobs doing interface like that on the iPhone. So do you want to know how to get the best iPhone Themes? Read the rest of this article.

You can get or download the best iPhone Themes from many different websites.However, it is hard to find it, isn't it? I will tell you about the site to get the best themes. Before that, you need to jailbreak your iPhone before you can install and activate custom iPhone theme to your device. After you jailbreak your iPhone, launch Cydia app from the homescreen, then search for Winterboard app. Install it. Winterboard app is the theme manager for iPhone. You can select or activate any themes using Winterboard.You can get boring and normal themes from Winterboard, but on the website given below, there is a lot of latest and fresh themes for you. You can download and transfer it into your iPhone.

What you can change and activate after you install Themes
  1. Video Wallpaper
  2. Background Wallpaper
  3. Sounds
  4. Icons
  5. Lock Background
  6. Fonts
1. Video wallpaper
Video wallpaper is some kind of videos that playing on your iPhone background. It is cool mod, but beware. Your iPhone juice will drain faster than using normal wallpaper.
2. Background Wallpaper
You can change your boring black background wallpaper to any pictures you want.
3. Sounds
You also can change your iPhone sounds to your own sound such as musics, voices and many more.
4. Icons
You can change your default icons to more cool looking icons, or you can make your icons using graphic editor tools such as Adobe Photoshop.
5. Lock Background
You can change your lock background to any graphics you want.
6. Fonts
You also can change fonts. Default fonts is plain and boring.

Guides on how to getting your iPhone Theme into your iPhone

After you downloaded your desired themes on the website below, you need to extract it using software that can handle RAR and ZIP files. Extract or.rar files to your desktop first. Next, you need to transfer the themes that you have downloaded into your iPhone. How to transfer it? There is two method. One of them is by transferring the themes to your iPhone via SSH, and one more is using USB cables that provided by Apple. I will choose method 2 because it is easier. You need to download software called iFunBox. iFunBox lets you transfer the themes into your iPhone via USB cables. Copy the themes folder, then paste it into this folder - Library/Themes. Turn on your iPhone, then launch Winterboard. Activate any best iPhone themes, then it will restart automatically. Finally your theme is now changed.

 Tags:   Unlock iPhone 3G, Unlock-the-iPhone, Best iPhone Unlocking Software, iPhone 5 Unlock Advantages, iPhone Jailbreaking and Unlocking, Jailbreak iPhone 4, Unlock The iPhone Kit


  1. You can select or activate any themes using Winterboard.You can get boring and normal themes from Winterboard, but on the website given below,jailbreaking iphone 4s
